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Spartan System 7 Mat - 8’ x 14’



The Spartan System 7 Mat is a heavy duty composite mat that has superior strength, performance and durability. The mats are made of virgin resin that can be locked together and are easy to install. These mats can be used for usable work surfaces, temporary roads and bridges, and for other large commercial applications. The mats come standard with UV protection and anti-static additives, will not adsorb contaminants, and have an estimated life cycle of 10-15 years.

For S7 installations, the manufacturer recommends using 8 S7 Locking Pins per mat.


Model: S7

Actual Size: 8' x 14' (4.25" thickness)

Usable Size: 7' x 13'

Weight Per Mat: 1,040 lbs

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  • QUICK & SIMPLE INSTALLATION: With minimal training, SYSTEM7™ is easily installed. SYSTEM7™ lets you decide the best layout. It’s interlocking, but flexible enough to allow for different configurations.
  • UV PROTECTION & ANTI-STATIC: Reducing UV rays and preventing static, SYSTEM7™ is an especially pleasant platform for workers. The mats decrease the chances of starting a fire due to static electricity.
  • EASY CLEANING: SYSTEM7™ composite access mats don’t absorb water, allowing them to be rinsed clean. Furthermore, because they interlock, they are less likely to allow spills to seep through to the ground.
  • INTERLOCKING: Not only does SYSTEM7™ have interlocking capability, but you can even join up SYSTEM7™ to leading rival composite mats.


✔ All items ship for free (standard ground)

☏ Call: (800) 731-8420 for pricing and shipping questions.

Shipping estimates pertain to this specific product only. Orders typically ship within 1-2 business days if the order is placed before 2PM Eastern Time. The day that the order is shipped is not counted as a transit day.

*Shipping map is for transit days only, and is only an estimate.

Protecting and Preserving Vegetation During Construction

Preserving and protecting vegetation is a wise move and will when construction is occurring. It will be a great deal less expensive versus starting over from scratch. Vegetation adds value to your property and home. Healthy mature trees will improve the look of your landscape while improving property value.

Native plants will stabilize the soil where erosion is commonplace, especially on slopes and marine bluffs. If native vegetation is destroyed or removed, stormwater will become a big problem financially. It will take years to grow new trees that will give you the same benefits as the trees you have right now. Why would you want to waste time and money to rebuild the landscape and the stormwater management system you already have in place?
If you live in an area that suffers from heavy rainfall, trees and vegetation will help manage runoff. Vegetation captures rain on the surface of leaves allowing for evaporation or dripping slowly to the ground. Root systems filter out pollutants by cleaning water as it soaks into the ground. The filtered water will revitalize streams, impact drinking water, and add quality to water.

Moving Large Equipment Mats

Laying Out Spartan S7 Mats

If you will be bringing in construction for a project but have not cleared the area, do not let someone talk you into totally clearing the area in order to get started. Clearing an area beforehand is a standard approach but is only beneficial to the developer and very expensive for the property owner. When the construction is done, they will be on their way but you will be left behind to deal with the damage and the expenses. Work out a mutual agreement with your contractor or their subcontractor but let them know they may not go beyond the designated area without your consent first.

The following information can help you protect your trees and vegetation while construction is going on now or in the future:

Vegetation Can Be Damaged During Construction

In case you don't know, without realizing it construction vehicles will drive over plants or park on top of tree roots compacting the soil.

• Roots are smothered when excessive soil or materials are placed on top of them.
• During trenching and digging, roots are damaged.
• Trees suffer from changes to exposure from the elements.
• When trees are removed, the other trees become vulnerable to blow-down from high winds, the increased weight from ice and snow on branches, and damage to leaf tissue and bark caused by excessive sunlight.
• Construction equipment has been known to injure the above-ground sections of trees by breaking branches or causing harm to the trunks.

How To Protect Your Vegetation During Construction

One of the best ways to protect your trees and vegetation is marking, identifying, or fencing them off before construction ever begins. Keeping and preserving as many trees and vegetation as you can will offer the best long-term benefit to your property.

Map Out Your Area

Decide which trees and areas of vegetation must be left alone. Map out areas that are protection zones on the construction plan. Use language in the construction contract regarding what can and cannot be done near trees. Go over it with your contractor before work ever begins. This will allow you to negotiate and make changes before any work takes place. To prevent damage to your trees, add a clause in the contract regarding the penalties for damaged trees. Contractors are more likely to respect your vegetation prevention clauses if they believe they could be stuck with a fee.

Grading Land at Commercial Jobsite

Commercial Jobsite Land Grading

Consult With a Certified Arborist

You should speak to an arborist or someone who is knowledgeable about trees to find out which trees should stay and what trees can be removed. Arborists have the skills and knowledge to prune your trees and submit documentation for construction permits about your property. You should keep strong, healthy trees with strong root systems. Try and keep groups of trees and vegetation together when it's possible. Try and keep a variety of trees and ages for more diversity.

Vegetation should be removed in areas where construction equipment and vehicles will be traveling through and storing materials. These areas can be relatively small. Have trees removed that are considered hazardous. If in question, consult with an arborist or someone who is knowledgeable about trees. If trimming is required, leave it to those who are experienced, you could put yourself in harm's way doing it yourself. Thinning stands of forests can leave many trees vulnerable to high winds during storms. In many cases, trees can remain in place offering good soil stabilization and will benefit animal habitats. Trees left in place can anchor each other so keep that in mind.

You should remove trees that are dangerous to people and structures. If trees have been cut down, leave the stumps in place because removing them can damage the soil as well as harm other trees. As the stumps continue to decompose, the roots can stabilize the soil. Contact the proper authorities for the local regulations before moving forward. Unstable vegetated slopes and adequate buffers around critical areas should be left alone such as wetlands, streams, and shorelines.

System 7 Mats in Marsh

Marshy Area with Construction Matting

Stay In Touch With Your Contractor

It's very important to mark vegetation you want to be protected from harm. Speak with your contractor verbally and put it in writing within your contract. You should fence off or tag vegetation that borders the construction site. It's important that you clearly mark off areas that must be protected. The best option is using temporary fencing.

Walk the site with all the contractors before construction begins and discuss the fenced-in areas as well as marked trees and vegetation so they clearly know these areas are protected. Ask the contractors to sign a map plan or document stating they understand your intentions. The idea is to have them fully understand they are responsible for their workers.

If you are concerned about certain trees, place a label on them along with the cost for damages. Also, make sure this information is in the contract. While working with and communicating with the contractor, point out where vehicles and storage are allowed and where parking will be allowed so workers are not parking in places that will cause soil compaction.

For solo trees that need protection, you should have “Tree Protection Zones”. In many cases, tree roots will spread far beyond the canopy making them vulnerable. Fragile feeder roots will settle near the surface around the top 18 inches of soil. To protect delicate roots you can mark the Critical Root Zone or CRZ of various trees in construction areas. These Critical Root Zone areas must be marked in order to protect the roots and keep the tree alive. You need to place fencing around these areas. We will go over this information in the next section.

Installing Barriers & Fences

It's extremely important to install protection around vegetation before construction begins. Also, install fencing before construction begins and leave it in place until the final inspection has been completed. Choose an orange construction fence or other brightly marked visible fence that stands at least 3 feet high then apply metal t-bar stakes or strong wooden stakes. Make sure to add very clear warning signs to let the construction workers know that stockpiling, equipment traffic, and foot traffic are not allowed inside the fence areas.

If there is a very important tree located in an area where construction traffic will be present, fence it off as far as possible from the critical root zone and place a 6-inch layer of wood chips over impacted areas of the root zone. Top it with quarry gravel to stabilize a working area. Place a three-fourth-inch of plywood or mats on top of that. Maintain this protective layer throughout construction and only remove it once construction is completed.

You can protect the tree's trunk and branches from being gouged, broken, or damaged. Use a stem wrap to protect the branches and trunks of the trees wherever they might be in harm's way from construction. Wrap exposed areas of trees with 2 inches of plastic orange fencing serving as padding, then bind 2x4s on the outside. Carefully apply the protective materials to the tree so you won't damage it.

Final Thoughts For Protecting Vegetation

You can prevent contamination from soil by not allowing or at least limiting equipment being washed, especially concrete trucks. Do Not allow stockpiling of soil or mulch on the root zones. Do Not allow unnecessary grade changes involving cutting or filing near trees. Be aware of possible root damage caused by grading, scraping, or tearing.

You should stop by the construction site on a daily basis. Workers will take you seriously. Take photos throughout the construction process, especially if damage has taken place. Rule of thumb, the distance between a tree trunk and a new structure is the critical root zone radius plus a minimum of 10 feet.

Keep in mind, that trees can express stress when they have become weakened caused by damage. This can lead to future threats caused by insect damage or drought. Various signs of decline include stunted growth, thinning foliage, dying growing points, far too many dead branches, yellow leaves, and twigs in the upper portion of the tree. If any of these signs happen, bring in an arborist to find out if the stress is temporary or if the tree will have to be removed.

Temporary Road Mats

Temporary Mats for Roadway


Trenching includes excavating ditches for utility lines, roads, sidewalks, foundations, and irrigation. Do Not let trenching equipment near critical root zones. Weaving can be done for utility lines under the roots using a soil auger or other tunneling equipment. The process should be at least 2 feet below the soil surface. If the utility line will go directly under the tree trunk, tunnel at a minimum of 3 feet below the soil surface.

Use a pneumatic air excavator going under the roots which will leave them undamaged. Gentle hand digging is another good option. Trenching should not be performed during hot, windy, or dry weather conditions. The roots can be protected by wrapping them in wet burlap to keep them moist. Do not leave the trenches open for more than an hour or so.

Construction Matting in Forest

Constructino Matting in Forest

Immediately replace the soil and soak it with water. Do Not cut roots that are larger than 4 inches in diameter because these roots are usually structural roots. If roots must be cut, use a sharp blade but make sure you do not rip or tear the roots. Done properly, the roots will heal themselves instead of ending up with decay or disease.

Avoid grade changes near large, well-established trees as it can cause stability and health issues. Once construction is completed, pay special attention to your trees by mulching, lightly fertilizing, irrigating, aerating the soil, and pruning where needed. If rain is slim to nil, apply at least one inch of water each week during the hottest months using a deep soaking approach.